Updates, News & Events
Welcome to the Middleton Rail Trail website!
The Middleton Rail Trail Alliance (MiRTA), founded in 2018, is a 501c non-profit organization. Our goal is to renovate a 4.5 mile stretch of the old Essex Railroad that runs through Middleton into a multi-use trail. The completed trail will run from Danvers to North Andover and serve as both a recreational and alternative transportation resource for residents and visitors of all ages and abilities
Mile Marker Program
We are pleased to announce a mile marker program! You can support the Middleton Rail Trail by sponsoring a marker along our trail.
For more information on how to sponsor, please click here!
Officers of Middleton Rail Trail Alliance (MiRTA):
Rick Kassiotis (President)
John LeBlanc (Vice President)
Richard Gilman (Secretary)
Marty Emmick, (Treasurer)
Kerri Staffier (Fundraising Officer)
MiRTA currently has monthly meetings on the third Wednesday of each month. Please email us at middletonrailtrail@gmail.com for info on our upcoming meetings.

Rail Trail Construction Progress
Due to the collaborative efforts of MELD, Middleton DPW and various Town agencies, the Phase 3 construction between Perkins Road eastward to the Danvers line is now complete! With the exception of the area near the Ipswich River, which requires sidewalk crossing, there are now 2.2 miles of continuous trail, between Essex Street and the Danvers Line. Additionally, Danvers has added a .8 mile extension between Access Road (near Lahey Outpatient Center) to the Middleton line. The extension directly connects to the Middleton Rail Trail.

We continue with the installation of new kiosks, bike racks, bike repair stations and benches on the finished parts of the rail trail.
A separate Middleton Rails to Trails Committee was established by the Town of Middleton to help coordinate activities. That Committee plans to meet quarterly. For additional information, please go to: https://middletonma.gov/397/Rails-to-Trails-Committee
We continue to receive generous donations from individuals and businesses, which are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your generosity!

Volunteers Wanted:
We are looking for volunteers to help us expand and improve our rail trail. We have specific needs in the following areas:
Fundraising and events
Trail maintenance and clean-up
Trail planning
Installing new rail trail features (examples: kiosks, benches, bike racks, signage)
Administrative & technology (examples:, bookkeeping, website management & Facebook updates)
If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to middletonrailtrail@gmail.com, or call Marty Emmick at 978-500-2285. Please be sure to include your name and telephone number when sending an email. Thank you!
Below are some updates on the rail trail, which also can be found on our Facebook page: MiRTA Facebook page